How to Interpret Terpenes in Cannabis Products

If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you may have heard of terpenes. But what exactly are terpenes, and how can they enhance your cannabis experience? In this blog post, we explore the world of terpenes and their effects on different cannabis products. We’ll cover: 

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are organic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. They are responsible for the distinct smells and flavors of different cannabis strains. Terpenes are produced in the same glands as cannabinoids, which are the compounds responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

How do Terpenes Work?

When consumed, terpenes interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our bodies. The ECS is a complex network of receptors and enzymes that regulates many physiological processes, including mood, appetite, and pain sensation. Terpenes bind to the receptors in the ECS and can enhance or alter these physiological processes in many different ways.

what are terpenes in cannabis

What Does Terpene-Infused Mean?

If you’ve entered a recreational cannabis dispensary in Vermont, you might have noticed a product labeled “terpene-infused.” Products that are terpene-infused are those that have been formulated with specific terpenes to enhance their effects. These products may contain higher levels of certain terpenes or a blend of different terpenes to create a specific aroma or flavor profile.

How do Terpenes Affect High?

Terpenes can affect the high of cannabis products by modulating the effects of cannabinoids. Some terpenes enhance the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) while others draw out the calming effects of cannabidiol (CBD). The specific effects of terpenes will depend on their chemical composition and how they interact with the ECS.

what does terpene infused mean

Types of Terpenes & Their Effects

Now that you understand a little bit about what terpenes are and how they work, let’s take a look at some of the effects that specific terpenes can have on cannabis products. There are over 100 different terpenes found in cannabis, each with their own unique effects. Understanding which terpenes produce certain effects can help you find the products that will be most beneficial to your wellness journey.

What Terpenes are Good for Anxiety?

If you’re looking for a cannabis product to help with anxiety, look for those that contain limonene, linalool, or beta-caryophyllene. These terpenes have been reported by users to produce anti-anxiety effects for a calming cannabis experience.

What Terpenes are Good for Pain?

Those seeking a cannabis product to help with pain relief should look for products high in myrcene, beta-caryophyllene, or pinene. Each of these terpenes has been shown to have analgesic effects for reduced pain in users.

What Terpenes Make You Hungry?

When you’re looking to stimulate your appetite, it’s best to choose products with beta-caryophyllene, humulene, or myrcene. These terpenes have been shown to affect the way the body produces ghrelin — the hunger hormone.

What Terpenes Make You Laugh?

While there are no specific terpenes that will make you laugh, strains that are high in limonene or pinene can have uplifting effects that may improve your mood and make you giggly.

Terpenes are an important component of cannabis products that can enhance their effects and provide a more enjoyable overall experience. By understanding the different types of terpenes and their effects, you can make more informed decisions when choosing a cannabis product to suit your specific needs.

Still not sure how to interpret terpenes?We’re here to help! Stop by our recreational cannabis dispensary in Rutland to meet your Wellness Guide and find the right terpene-infused cannabis products for you.

types of terpenes in cannabis

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